Only this (moment) Holds us (together) Close to (perfection) Nothing else (out there) No one to (guide us) Lost in the (senses) Deep down inside I know our love will die
Only this (moment) Holds us (together) Lost in (confusion) Feelings are (out there) Scared of the (ocean) Doubting (intentions) Deep down inside I know our love will die
Stay or forever go Play or you뭠l never know We haven뭪 decided You can뭪 deny it뭩 all you뭭e been waiting for Okay.. Stay or forever go Play or you뭠l never know Your spirit뭩 divided You will decide if I뭢 all you'll be waiting for
Guilt in my head Have Been part of my twist By the force of an angel Revealing our fates And our words don뭪 make sense and I do understand, Falling in love isn뭪 part of our plan Forces within me, makes reason with lust But I try to accept it and not think it works 'Cause I know I might lose you by taking a chance But love without pain isn뭪 really romance
Only this (moment) Holds us (together) Close to (perfection) Nothing else (out there) Always (beside her) Trusting my (senses) Deep down inside I know i will survive
Only this (moment) Holds us (together) Close to (perfection) Nothing else (out there) Always (beside her) Trusting (my senses) Deep down inside I know I will survive